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Tarjetas de Regalo



Soundtrack your life with Spotify

Digital delivery by email
Valid for 3 years from the date of purchase
The voucher can be redeemed online.
With Spotify, it’s easy to find the right music or podcast for every moment – on your phone, your computer, your tablet and more.

There are millions of tracks and episodes on Spotify. So whether you’re behind the wheel, working out, partying or relaxing, the right music or podcast is always at your fingertips. Choose what you want to listen to, or let Spotify surprise you.

You can also browse through the collections of friends, artists, and celebrities, or create a radio station and just sit back.

Soundtrack your life with Spotify.

Description of redemption
Note: Your account’s country or region settings need to match where the gift card was purchased.

Log in to
Enter the PIN on the back of the card, or the code from your receipt.
Click Redeem.

The gift card is applied to your subscription payments starting on your next payment date. Your payments continue normally after the full gift card amount is spent.

€10 €30 €60


3 years

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